Power of 7 chakras : Transform your life with healing Crystals

  • By Riya
  • |
  • 12 Jul 2024

Have you ever heard of the seven Chakras and their crystals? Chakras are like energy hubs that bridge your physical body with your inner self. They act as connectors between your body, mind, and spirit. Picture them as energy wheels aligned along your spine. 

Each of these Chakras is associated with a specific color, representing different aspects of energy which are :  Root Chakra (red), Sacral Chakra (orange), Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow), Heart Chakra (green), Throat Chakra (blue), Third Eye Chakra (indigo), and Crown Chakra (violet). 

When our chakras work in a balanced manner, our energy circulates smoothly, helping us feel calm,balanced and healthy. Imbalances in these Chakras can manifest in various ways – physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. To restore balance, you can work with chakra crystals. By placing crystals of matching colors on the corresponding Chakras, you can align and harmonize your energy centers, promoting overall well-being and vitality.

Eager to know more about chakras, types of chakra,what happens if they are blocked and methods to unblock them? Join us as we explore our comprehensive guide to chakra balancing crystals. 

7 Chakras and Crystals to Balance Them 

Not sure which chakra is off/imbalanced? Discover more about the signs of chakra imbalances and how to fix them using chakra stones for beginners and other techniques. 

  • Do you need someone to make you happy , or make you feel secure ??

If you witness above symptoms then it might be that your ROOT CHAKRA is imbalanced.  Root chakra is situated at your lower spine, and when it is imbalanced you start feeling insecure , insufficient and start doubting yourself. It may cause health issues as well related to bladder , digestion , legs . 

How to balance ROOT chakra ?

1 step align it with crystals for root chakra 

  • Hematite 

  • Red Jasper 

  • Black Tourmaline 

2 step is to align your root chakra is with food choices , have more root vegetables :

  • Potato , Carrot , Ginger , onion 

3 step  but the most important one is doing affirmation with your crystal

  • I am abundant 

  • I am safe and secure 

  • I am confident about my crystals 

  • Do you work hard but still struggle with a restless mind, skin problems, hair issues, hormone imbalances, or digestion troubles? 

Your stones for  Sacral Chakra might be out of track. It's located in your pelvic area, and when it's blocked, it can lead to mental stress and messed-up hormones.

1 step align it  with sacral chakra crystals

  • Mokite Jasper 

  • Tigers eye

  • Sunstone

  • Carnelian

Step-2 is to align your sacral chakra is food choices , have more orange color food , since the chakra is in yellow color :

  • Orange , Papaya , Honey 

Step-3  but the most important one is affirmation with sacral chakra.and its crystals. 

  • I am Growing.

  • I am Beautiful.

  • I am confident about my crystals.

  • Do you often feel sluggish, weak, or constantly in need of a push? 

If so, your solar plexus chakra might be asking for some care. It's located about three fingers above your belly button and is linked to the sun and fire energy.Imbalances in this chakra can also lead to digestive issues and acidity problems.

How to balance Solar Plexus Chakra?

1 step align it with  best crystals for solar plexus chakra 

  • Citrine

  • Honey calcite

  • Moonstone

  • Pyrite

2 step is to align you solar plexus Chakra is food choices , have more yellow color food , since the chakra is in orange color :

  • turmeric , Banana , corn 

3 step but the most important one is affirmation with solar plexus chakra crystals. 

  • I feel powerful

  • I feel motivated

  • Everything is working out 

  • At times, life can feel like everything's falling apart – no growth, no love, just a mess.

 If that's the case, your heart chakra might need some Care. When it's out of alignment, we might feel anger, guilt, and a sense of emptiness, even when surrounded by people. Doubting ourselves becomes a norm. And watch out, it can affect our health too, leading to heart problems, high blood pressure, or even asthma.

How to balance crystals for heart chakra ?

1 step align it with heart chakra crystals

  • paradoit

  • Rose Quartz

  • Green Aventurine

2 step is to align your heart Chakra is food choices, have more green color food, since the chakra is in green color :

  • Broccoli , spinach, green peas

3 step but the most important one is affirmation with crystals for heart chakra. 

  • I am lovable

  • I am peaceful

  • I deserve Unconditional love 

  • Do you hold back your words, finding it hard to say how you feel?

If that sounds like you, your throat chakra might need some attention. It's right in the middle of your neck and acts as the communication center of your body. When it's out of Track , you might face health issues like thyroid problems, neck pain, dental issues, or a sore throat.

How to balance Throat Chakra with crystals?

1 step : balance your chakra align it with best throat chakra stones 

  • turquoise

  • Blue lace agate

  • Lapis lazuli

  • Blue kyanite

2 step is to align your throat Chakra is food choices , have more green blue food , since the chakra is in Blue color :

  • Blueberries , blue grapes , barley , mushrooms

3 step  but the most important one is affirmation 

  • I speak with love

  • I owner my inner voice

  • I speak with clarity

  • Do you experience issues with your nose, find it hard to think clearly, or often deny things?

In this situation, your third eye chakra might be affected. It's also called the intuition chakra and influences your entire nervous system. Located at the center of your skull, it's linked to issues with your nose, visualization, feeling angry, and negative thoughts.

How to balance Third Eye Chakra ?

1 step align it with Third eye chakra crystals 

  • Howlite

  • Moonstone

  • Lapis lazuli

2 step to charge third eye chakras , you should consume purple color vegetables 

  • Figs

  • Egg Plant

  • Purple Cabbage

3 steps  but the most important one is affirmation .

  • I love myself 

  • I am connected to my crystal 

  • I care for my spirit 

  • Do you want to be connected with yourself or your higher goddess?

If that's the case, let's focus on the Crown chakra. It sits at the very top of your head and links to all the other chakras. When you feel like you don't belong in this world or you're getting negative vibes, your Crown chakra might be out of balance.

How to Balance Your Crown Chakra ?

1 step align it with crystals for Crown Chakra 

  • Black obsidian

  • Clear Quartz

  • Amethyst

  • Selenite

2 step is fasting is best way to charge your crown chakras , you can have water intake 

  • juices , smoothies  

3 step  but the most important one is affirmation with crown chakra crystals. 

  • I am divine

  • I am in peace 

  • I am aligned 

Balance Your Energy, Transform Your Life: Discover the Power of Chakra and Its Gemstones!

The idea of the seven chakras is like a roadmap to feeling good inside and out. These chakras are like energy stations in our bodies, each one linked to different feelings and parts of our lives. When they're out of track, we might feel off balance.

But there's good news! We can help get things back on track by using things like manifesting with crystals, eating certain foods, and saying positive things to ourselves (affirmations). It's like giving our energy system a tune-up.

By paying attention to these chakras and taking care of them, we can feel more connected to ourselves and the world around us. It's all about finding that inner harmony and feeling good in our own skin.

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John Doe

1 Jan 2024

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John Doe

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John Doe

1 Jan 2024

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